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I'm Every Woman

Every day you walk pass the same lady with her gorgeous "tamed" curls, perfect eyebrows, curvy frame, and stunning smile and think, "WOW! She's got it all together." Little do you know or notice, but that lady with the "tamed" curls hasn't been able to take time to do her hair all week and she hates it. Her perfect eyebrows aren't so perfect, in her opinion, when you look closely. Her curvy frame is beautiful and desirable to you, but she hates that she can't fit into any of her 'pre-baby' clothes. Her stunning smile is masking pain, depression, and stress from carrying everything and everyone in her life.

Many of us women tend to admire characteristics, assets, and traits of other women instead of appreciating the ones we have within. Why is that? Why do we find so many positives out of the flaws in others, but struggle to appreciate our own flaws, in which make us the individuals we are?

That same woman you walk pass everyday that appears to have it all together is looking at you and wishing that she had what you have. That same woman has an unfaithful husband who makes her feel fat and undesirable. That same woman used to get her hair, nails, toes, and wax done faithfully before she had children and now has to sacrifice her extra expenses and time for the sake of her children. That same woman hasn't heard a compliment since her wedding day. That same woman cries secretly every day, with hopes that one day someone will hear her. That same woman you walk pass everyday represents the many women who feel overwhelmed with the stresses of being a dedicated wife, loving mother, ambitious professional, and overall exceptional woman. There are so many roles that women take on in their day to day lives. Before they know it they are so busy living out their many roles that they forget who they are and what they need for them.

The Dedicated Wife

This is the role that many women dream and desire about being in. That is until they realize that their fairy tale prince charming is really a flawed individual who has a lot of annoying and inconsistent traits. The dedicated wife tries hard to be the perfect everything to her mate. She takes extra pride in being an amazing cook in the kitchen, the perfect home-maker, and exotic and desirable in the bedroom. She takes on this role so much that she cooks until she's tired, she cleans until she's frustrated, and after the first two she's too mentally, emotionally, and physically drained to be as exotic and desirable as she wants. The dedicated wife is so dedicated in making her spouse feel like a priority that she begins to put her needs, wants, and overall desires as options. The dedicated wife becomes the overwhelmed wife who resents her spouse.

The Loving Mother

This is one of the most precious and exceptional roles any woman can have. Being a mother is one of the most beautiful things in life. The idea of pregnancy and child birth is truly amazing. Women literally give over their bodies, become emotionally unstable and face an extreme risk to bring their children into this world and that is a sacrifice like no other. Although this is all very beautiful and touching it can be extremely overwhelming and/or hard for any woman to take on and accept. Many, but not all, women find it extremely difficult to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy. This begins to weigh on her overall confidence and self-love and acceptance. Not being able to be as active and/or fit the clothes before the baby becomes a very tough reality to face. Although many may use this as motivation to make some health changes; it becomes extremely difficult and inconvenient for many to take the necessary steps to make that happen. Their days become fully consumed with breastfeeding (or feeding in general), washing bottles and dishes, endless laundry, wiping butts and changing diapers, and spurts of "surface cleaning". Before they know it; they are completely drowning in motherhood and can't seem to find themselves within. Imagine the Loving Mother and Dedicated Wife within the same woman. Things are really starting to pile up.

The Ambitious Professional Woman

This is the role of a woman who walks with the confidence and attitude of one who has it all together. This all sounds good, but the reality is she is underpaid in comparison to her male counter-parts and working as hard, if not harder, than most. She wakes up early to look the role and goes to sleep late to fulfill the role. She puts her best foot forward everyday and although her fears of failure and mistreatment are heavily surfaced in her mind; she continues to shine with courage and strength. She sets goals and doesn't always meet them, but she never gives up. She makes sacrifices to be better and hardly gets recognition for it. She is constantly overlooked and underappreciated, but she never gives up. She fights for her seat at the table and chooses not to pay attention to the chair that she's sitting in, but the fact that she's actually sitting at the table. To her, her glass is always half-full despite many telling her it is half-empty. She makes opportunities out of nothing with the thought of her future. She is one who commonly struggles to balance her role with the idea and reality of being The Dedicated Wife and Loving Mother.

The Exceptional Woman

This is a combination of all the women listed above and more. She is beyond overwhelmed with trying to be everything to everyone. She commits to everything and is spread extremely thin. She does not stop going because she believes that she is the working piece to everything. She prides herself with the thought of being a Professional Woman, Mother, and Wife. She walks around with a stunning smile, but deep down inside she is crying. She is crying for her spouse to help. She is crying for her children to behave and give her a break. She is crying for recognition respect within her career. She is crying for balance in her life. The exceptional woman is definitely exceptional, but she is also an overwhelmed woman. She is exceptional because she believes she has no choice. She is exceptional because she is dedicated to loving her family. She is exceptional because even though she is crying within; she walks around with a stunning smile making others feel good just being in her presence. She is exceptional because she is every woman!


Written By: Candace Wells

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